HamAlert is a system that allows you to get notifications when a desired station appears on the DX cluster, the Reverse Beacon Network, SOTAwatch, POTA, WWFFwatch, or PSK Reporter. No need to keep checking these resources manually if you're looking for a certain callsign, DXCC, CQ zone, IOTA island, SOTA summit or WWFF/POTA reference.
You can receive alerts via Push notifications, Threema, Telnet or URL GET/POST. You can also filter spots by various criteria, including:
Furthermore, you can set limits on the number of alerts in a certain time period so you don't receive duplicate spots, but are still notified if for example the station changes to another frequency.
Accurately determining the DXCC and CQ zone of a particular callsign is no easy feat. Luckily, the team at Club Log are experts at this and provide an API that HamAlert uses. Thank you, Club Log, for making this API available!
Digimode spots (with the “PSK reporter” source) are obtained from pskreporter.info. Thanks to Philip Gladstone for running the system and letting HamAlert access its data!
HamAlert was created by Manuel Kasper (HB9DQM). Instead of emailing the author with questions, issues or feature requests, please search or post on the HamAlert Forum. Thanks!
See the Privacy Policy for HamAlert.